National Quilt Museum: We're in!!
Our quilts are in the National Quilt Museum in Paducah, KY! The quilts on this page are part of the permanent collection found in the museum. Virginia and I are very proud to have our quilts on display in this most prestigious venue.

"Illusions" by George Siciliano - This quilt is made up of 4,129 pieces in a 10 3/4" x 10 3/4" square. By combining 4 variations of the log cabin block and with use of color I created the illusion of ribbons.

"Small, Medium at Large" by George Siciliano- 2,000+ pieces in a 7 3/4" square. A psychic was facing a charge of attempting to blow up his garage. Less than 5 feet in height, he escaped jail one night screamed the headlines… "Small, Medium at Large"… author unknown.
© George and Virginia Siciliano 2019

"Samarkand" by Virginia Siciliano- 82" x 82". Paisley and William Morris fabrics are my passion. These sumptuous fabrics inspired me to name the quilt "Samarkand" for the ancient city along the "Silk Road." This quilt was hand quilted and a labor of love. The pattern source was Karen Stone. My journey along the "Silk Road' was a joy from beginning to end.