
A word about my patterns. All patterns include enough foundations to complete the top as pictured. You also receive a block schematic, cutting chart and a color gradation chart. You can pick your own color gradations or go with the colors in the picture.  The fabric provided in the kit is enough to finish the top. Extra fabric is available at an extra charge if requested. The instructions are easy to follow and the results are very satisfying.

 All patterns come with all foundations necessary to complete the design. All foundations are printed on “Foundation Stuff”. It is not necessary to remove the foundation material upon completion.

Many customers have asked if they can purchase the printed foundation sheets, so they would be able to increase the size of their finished project. If you have purchased a pattern and wish to purchase extra foundations they would be for sale for $3.00 per sheet. On the other hand, if you have “messed up” a foundation during the sewing process, or if the cat ripped it up or the dog chewed it etc, etc, I will replace this foundation at no cost to you.

All regular Patterns cost $20.00 without fabric and $60.00 with 2 yards of gelato and a yard of black or 2 six step gradations and a yard of black fabric.

“Twisters” is also $20 without fabric , it is $80 with 4 yards of Gelatos + ˝ yard of black.

These fabric packs are enough to complete the tops only. Of course additional fabric is available for sale.

Here is a web deal for you. Buy any pattern with fabric and and I will reduce the price of  My Patent Pending 8” or 12” Triple Duty Seam Allowance Guide,

$4.00 off the retail price. 

The shipping  charge is $3.00 no mater how much you wish to purchase. This applies to the contenental United States including Alaska and our dear friends in Canada.

© George & Virginia Siciliano 2012